Employee recognition is a cornerstone of a positive workplace culture. It not only acknowledges individual achievements but also motivates others to strive for excellence. In today's competitive business landscape, companies are increasingly turning to creative ways to honor their employees. One such method gaining popularity is the use of branded merchandise as awards. Let's explore how leveraging branded merchandise for employee awards can enhance your recognition efforts and foster a culture of appreciation within your organization.

The Power of Branded Merchandise in Employee Recognition:

Tangible Rewards, Lasting Impact: Unlike monetary incentives or certificates, branded merchandise offers tangible rewards that employees can use and cherish. Whether it's a premium leather journal or a sleek tech gadget, receiving branded merchandise as an award adds a personal touch and leaves a lasting impression on the recipient.

Aligning Recognition with Brand Values: Every piece of branded merchandise carries the essence of your brand. By selecting items that reflect your company's values and culture, you not only reinforce those principles but also create a sense of pride and belonging among employees. For example, eco-friendly products can underscore your commitment to sustainability, while high-quality tech accessories can emphasize innovation and progress.

Boosting Morale and Engagement: Employee awards serve as powerful motivators, inspiring individuals to go above and beyond in their roles. When recognition comes in the form of branded merchandise, it adds an extra layer of excitement and appreciation. Employees feel valued for their contributions and are more likely to remain engaged and committed to the company's success.

Enhancing Brand Visibility: Branded merchandise serves as a walking advertisement for your company. When employees proudly display their awards, whether it's a branded water bottle on their desk or a company logo-emblazoned jacket in the community, they become brand ambassadors, helping to increase awareness and visibility.

Customization for Personalization: One of the key advantages of using branded merchandise for employee awards is the ability to customize items to suit individual preferences and achievements. Whether it's engraving a name, adding a personalized message, or selecting products based on interests or hobbies, customization adds a thoughtful touch that makes the award even more meaningful.

Incorporating Branded Merchandise into Your Employee Recognition Strategy:

Identify Meaningful Milestones: Recognize a diverse range of achievements, from years of service and outstanding performance to innovation and teamwork. Tailor the type of award and its value to the significance of the milestone.

Curate a Thoughtful Selection: Choose branded merchandise that aligns with your company culture and resonates with your employees. Consider a mix of practical items, such as apparel and accessories, as well as aspirational products like premium electronics or travel experiences.

Celebrate Publicly, Reward Privately: While public recognition fosters a sense of camaraderie and peer appreciation, some employees may prefer private acknowledgment. Strike a balance by celebrating achievements publicly while presenting awards in a more intimate setting.

Gather Feedback and Iterate: Continuously solicit feedback from employees to gauge the effectiveness of your recognition efforts. Adjust your selection of branded merchandise and recognition criteria based on employee preferences and evolving organizational goals.


Branded merchandise offers a unique and impactful way to honor employees and reinforce positive behaviors within your organization. By leveraging the power of tangible rewards, aligning recognition with brand values, and customizing awards for personalization, you can elevate your employee recognition efforts and cultivate a workplace culture built on appreciation and excellence.

A well-managed company swag store makes the entire process simple. Quality, accessible merchandise boosts lead generation, employee retention, and revenue growth. To streamline the process, consider using a powerful swag management platform like Moxie. This platform handles inventory, shipping, and strategic planning, simplifying the entire process. Schedule a free demo to explore its potential.

To learn more about how an online company store could be the perfect solution for your branded merchandise, call one of our knowledgeable representatives at 1-888-669-4348.

Welcome to the exciting world of onboarding! As HR professionals and business leaders, we understand the importance of making a positive and lasting first impression on new hires. One powerful way to achieve this is through well-crafted New Hire Kits. In this blog, we'll explore the essential components, creative ideas, and best practices for creating a memorable onboarding experience with the perfect New Hire Kit.

Understanding the Purpose of New Hire Kits:

You want to create a warm welcome and introduce your company culture and values right from the start. It is important to set the right expectations and provide the necessary tools and resources to help new hires hit the ground running. The right New Hire Kit will help fostering connections and create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among team members.

The Essential Components of a New Hire Kit:

1. Welcome Letter: Include a personalized message from the CEO or team leader. Provide an overview of the company's mission, vision, and values.

2. Company Swag: Branded apparel, water bottles, or desk accessories are great items for new employees. This creates a sense of pride and unity among employees.

Here is a great catalog of the type of merch you can use in your New Hire Kit.

3. Onboarding Manual: Clearly outline the onboarding process and key milestones employees need to get started. Provide information on company policies, benefits, and resources.

4. Technology Essentials: While you will be providing the necessary computer for the employee, including branded computer/phone accessories, like chargers/power banks or USB cords in the welcome kit is recommended.

5. Stationery and Office Supplies: Branded notebooks, pens, and other office essentials the employee needs to complete their tasks. It's important to foster an organized and productive work environment.

Having your own Online Company Store makes the New Hire Kit process even easier.  A company like Moxie Print can help you create customized New Hire Kits.

Best Practices for New Hire Kit Success:

1. Timely Delivery: Ensure the kit arrives before the new hire's start date. This demonstrates organizational efficiency and commitment.

2. Feedback Mechanism: Encourage new hires to provide feedback on the onboarding experience. Continuously improve and refine the New Hire Kit based on input. Getting input from new hires is key to making the process work for you

3. Ongoing Support: Assign a mentor or buddy for each new hire. Facilitate regular check-ins and support throughout the onboarding process.

Other ideas to Enhance the Onboarding Process:

1. Customized Welcome Video in their new email inbox: Feature team members introducing themselves and sharing tips. A great idea is to provide a virtual tour of the office and key facilities.

2. Interactive Training Materials: Incorporate engaging and interactive elements in the onboarding manual. Use multimedia such as videos, quizzes, or infographics.


Investing in a well-thought-out New Hire Kit not only sets the stage for a successful onboarding process but also contributes to employee satisfaction and retention. A well-managed company swag store makes the entire process simple. Quality, accessible merchandise boosts lead generation, employee retention, and revenue growth. To streamline the process, consider using a powerful swag management platform like Moxie. This platform handles inventory, shipping, and strategic planning, simplifying the entire process. Schedule a free demo to explore its potential.

As you design your kits, remember to align them with your company culture and values, creating a welcoming and inspiring introduction for your newest team members.

To learn more about how an online company store could be the perfect solution for your New Hire Kits, call one of our knowledgeable representatives at 1-888-669-4348.

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